October 24 -- Conversation with Rev. George Coyne, S.J., former director of the Vatican Observatory, 11-Noon, Wehr Physics 372.

March 30 --
Discussion of Javier Leach, S.J.'s Mathematics and Religion  (Templeton 2010) led by Tony Peressini, Philosopher of Science, 4:15-5:30 in AMU 231.

February 12
-- Theologian Mary Gerhart and Physicist Allan Russell (Hobart and Smith College emerita and emeritus) will deliver a joint lecture entitled "A Physicist and a Theologian Construct the Concept of a Loving Universe." This public lecture is co-sponsored by the departments of Theology and Physics through a grant from the Simmons Religious Commitment Fund.  Raynor B & C, 4-5:15 p.m. Contact Jame Schaefer to reserve a place for dinner and discussion following the lecture. 

September 18
-- Gesche Linde, systematic theologian at Goethe University-Frankfort, will deliver a lecture on "Science, Signs, and Theology: Theology's Place in the Modern University." Co-sponsored with the Department of Theology in welcoming Dr. Linde as the first representative of Goethe University in the new Marquette-Goethe Exchange Program. Made possible by a grant from the Simmons Religious Commitment Fund. Join the Albertus Magnus Circle in celebrating its 10th anniversary.  3:30-5 p.m. in AMU 254. 

April 17 --
Marquette systematic theologian Robert Masson will discuss the metaphoric process that theologian Mary Gerhart and physicist Allan Russell developed to discuss topics at the boundary of their disciplines.  3:30-4:30 p.m. in AMU 370. 

October 4
-- UW-Madison biologist Dr. Calvin DeWitt will lecture on the international effort he co-initiated among scientists and evangelicals to address the phenomenon of global warming and other environmental issues at 4 p.m. in Cudahy Hall 001. Refreshments will be served before the lecture. Faculty, students, staff, and the public are invited to attend. Reservations for dinner/discussion with DeWitt can be made through Jame Schaefer. This event is co-sponsored by the Interdisciplinary Program in Environmental Ethics and Students for an Environmentally Active Campus (SEAC) with a grant from the Simmons Religious Commitment Fund.

Wednesday, April 26 -- The first Rev. George V. Coyne, S.J. Lecture in Astronomy and Astrophysics entitled "The Dance of the Fertile Universe: Chance and Destiny Embrace," 7 p.m., Monogham Ballroom.
     The universe we live in is full of a vast variety of objects: gas, galaxies, frogs, us. What is the best scientific understanding of how they came to be? Are they related to one another? If we order them from the simplest: quarks, protons, to the most complex: the human brain, is there a unified explanation of their coming to be. A tentative answer is found in their emergence as chance and destiny danced away in a fertile expanding universe. Does God have something to do with it?  Fr. Coyne will answer these questions and more in this inaugural lecture of a promising series to be held at Marquette annually.

Thursday, April 27 -- Physics colloquium on "The Age of the Universe" led by Rev. George V. Coyne, S.J., Director of the Vatican Observatory, 4 p.m., Clark Hall 111. 

Thursday, April 6 -- Lunch 'n Learn on Jewish Law and the Environment.  Rabbi Shlomo Levin of Lake Park Synagogue will teach a "lunch’n learn" in response to the question "What Does Jewish Law Say About Preserving the Environment?" This opportunity begins at Noon in AMU 139.  Refreshments will be provided but feel free to bring a lunch. Students, faculty and staff are welcome.

September 29 -- Second Rigge Lecture on Physics and Society by George F. R. Ellis, University of Cape Town mathematical astrophysicist, 5:30 p.m. in the Varsity Theatre followed by dinner and discussion in the Henke Lounge at 7-9 p.m.  Contact Jame Schaefer for dinner reservations.   

April 4 -- Paths to Understanding Lecture by Dr. Nomanul Haq, University of Pennsylvania, on "Revisiting the Question of Islam and Modernity: Secularism, Science, and State," 4 p.m., Raynor B & C.  Faculty interested in the Islam-science relationship can join Dr. Haq for dinner after his lecture by contacting Jame Schaefer, Department of Theology.

February 17 -- Lecture on "Cosmology: Man’s Place in the Universe” by Dr. Virginia L. Trimble, Professor in the Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of California at Irvine. Weasler Auditorium, 7 p.m.

May 19 -- Luncheon honoring quantum physicist and Christian theologian Rev. Dr. John C. Polkinghorne who received a Doctor of Science honoris causa from Marquette University at the 2003 Commencement Exercises.  11:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m. at Arrupe House. 

April 9 -- Discussion with Rev. John C. Haughey, S.J., 2002-2003 Wade Distinguished Professor, about Lonergan's notion of "emergent probability" and its relevance for discourse between theologians and natural scientists.  See articles on Marquette Electronic Reserves--Lonergan's "Self-Affirmation of the Knower," Patrick Byrne's "Fabric of Lonergan's Thought," Kenneth Melchin's "Emergent Probability," and Robert John Russell's "Eschatology and Physical Cosmology."  3:30-5 p.m., AMU 233.  

April 9 -- Discussion with Jesuit Brother Guy Consolmagno, Vatican Astronomer and
author of Turn Left at Orion and Brother Astronomer: Adventures of a Vatican Scientist at 2-3:30 p.m. in WW 372.  An informal lunch meeting with students is planned for 12:30 to 2 p.m. in WW 366, so please alert both graduate and undergraduate students to this stellar opportunity. 

March 18 -- Discussion with Phi Beta Kappa Visiting Scholar Alex Filippenko, an astrophysicist from the University of California-Berkeley who has discovered evidence for an expanding universe and has reflected on the notion that our universe is finely tuned for the emergence of life.  A selection from his recent collaborative effort, The Cosmos: Astronomy in the New Millennium (Harcourt 2001) is accessible from Marqcat Electronic Reserves.  1-2 p.m., AMU 231.

February 6 -- Faculty discussion of Karl Schmitz-Moormann's Theology of Creation in an Evolutionary World, in collaboration with James Salmon, S.J. (Pilgrim 1997), Karl Rahner's "Christology Within an Evolutionary View of the World" in Theological Investigations and a selection from Lonergan's Insight on Memorial Electronic Reserves under Albertus Magnus Circle.  4 p.m., AMU 374.

October 22 -- Interactive conference "What Does It Mean to Be Human?" telecast from Harvard University to DS 105, 2-8 p.m.  Distinguished scientists share how their disciplines are changing our understanding of the human being.  Electronic means are provided to send questions and comments from Marquette to panelists:  (1) 2-3:45--Near-Relatives and Neurons: Biological and Behavioral Bases for Humanity featuring primatologist Jane Goodall, molecular biologist Ursula Goodenough, biologist Robert Pollack, and neurobiologist William Newsome; (2) 4:15-5:45--Cosmos and Bios: Evolutionary Contexts of Humanity featuring physicist Paul Davies, biological anthropologist Terrence Deacon, astronomer Trinh Thuan, and biochemist Arthur Peacocke; (3) 6:15-6:45--Making Robots, Making Reality: Technology and the Human Person featuring computer scientists Manuela Veloso and Brian Cantwell Smith; (4) 7-8--The Human Person in Community and Society featuring entomologist Thomas Odhiambo and IBM researcher Praveen Chaudhari discussing the human person in African and in Eastern traditions.
    These four panels are part of the Science and Spiritual Quest conference being held at Harvard University's Memorial Chapel on October 21 through 23.  Sponsored by the Center for Theology and the Natural Sciences in partnership with the American Association for the Advancement of Science and the Center for the Study of World Religions at Harvard Divinity School, the full conference scheduled is accessible at

October 3 -- MU biological mathematician Steve Merrill will lead a discussion of Stuart Kauffman's At Home in the Universe (Oxford UP 1995) at 3 p.m. in AMU 252.  A copy of the book is available at Memorial Reserves and from various vendors.

November 15 -- After delivering the Rigge Lecture on Physics and Society and participating in Evensong, Rev. Dr. John C. Polkinghorne will discuss with members of the Albertus Magnus Circle his approach to relating Christian theology and the natural sciences 7-9 p.m., Henke Lounge (reservations required).    
September 20 -- As we anticipate John Polkinghorne's visit to Marquette to help celebrate St. Albert the Great's feast day (November 15), our discussion will focus on Polkinghorne's understanding of God's activity in relation to the world as conveyed primarily in chapter 3 of Belief in God in an Age of Science.  MU philosopher Tony Peressini will lead this session to be held in AMU 231, 4-5:30 p.m. 

April 27 -- Polkinghorne's understanding of God's activity in the world as indicated in chapter 3 of Belief in God in an Age of Science (Yale UP 1998) will be the focus of discussion.  Join us at Arrupe House, 3:30-5 p.m.

March 16 -- The next discussion will be held 3:30-5 p.m. at Arrupe House (831 North 13th).  Two readings are on the agenda:  (1) Ian Barbour's summation of process theology in "Five Models of God and Evolution" in Evolutionary and Molecular Biology (Vatican Observatory-CTNS 1998), and (2) John Polkinghorne's Belief in God in an Age of Science (Yale UP 1998).  Tony Peressini will lead the discussion on Barbour followed by Paul Nienaber on Polkinghorne.  A review of Polkinghorne's earlier endeavors by Paul Avis ("Apologist from the World of Science" in Scottish Journal of Theology 43) and an article by Polkinghorne ("Can a Scientist Pray?" in Logos 2) are available on Marqcat electronic reserves as background (enter "Albertus Magnus Circle" under the "course" category).

January 12 -- The Albertus Magnus Circle will launch its activities this year on Wednesday, January 12 at 3 p.m. in the Schroeder Complex 426, the Biomedical Science office, where Bill Cullinan will lead a tour of his neurophysiology lab and explain research underway.  From there we will proceed to William Wehr 372, the Physics conference room, where Marquette scientists have been invited to respond to Ian Barbour's "Five Models of God and Evolution" in Evolutionary and Molecular Biology (edited by Russell, Stoeger and Ayala and published by the Vatican Observatory and Center for Theology and the Natural Sciences in 1998).  We will subsequently conduct business with focus on (1) the topic and date of the next meeting and (2) plans for John Polkinghorne's visit to our campus in November.

November 12 -- Discussion with cell biologist Ursula Goodenough, Phi Beta Kappa Visiting Scholar from Washington University at St. Louis; hosted by Revs. Tom Hughson, S.J. and Paul Nienaber, S.J. at Arrupe House, 3-5 p.m.

September 15 -- Discussion will center around the following articles from Evolutionary and Molecular Biology: Scientific Perspectives on Divine Action, edited by Robert John Russell, William R. Stoeger, S.J. and Francisco J. Ayala (Vatican Observatory Publications and Center for Theology and the Natural Sciences 1998):
       Francisco J. Ayala, "The Evolution of Life: An Overview"
       Ian G. Barbour, "Five Models of God and Evolution"
       Paul Davies, "Teleology without Teleology: Purpose through Emergent Complexity"
Proposals for cooperative writing projects will be considered, and plans will be solidified for meeting on November 12 with Phi Beta Kappa Visiting Scholar Ursula Goodenough, cell biologist and author of the highly acclaimed The Sacred Depths of Nature (Oxford University Press 1998).

May 12 -- Discussion on biological evolution will be continued followed by an exercise in framing questions for our interdisciplinary group.

April 7 -- Discussion centering on biological evolution will be initiated by biologist James Courtright, philosopher Rev. T. Michael McNulty, S.J., and theologian Jame Schaefer.  Background sources suggested included (*priority):
     *Elliott Sober, The Nature of Selection (MIT 1985)
       Scientific American, October 1994
       Stephen Jay Gould, "Darwinian Fundamentalism," New York Review of Books, 12 June 1997; "Evolution: The Pleasures of Pluralism," New York Review of Books, 26 June 1997
     *Ian Barbour, Religion and Science: Historical and Contemporary Issues (HarperSanFrancisco 1997), 221-49
       Karl Schmitz-Moormann in collaboration with James F. Salmon, S.J., Theology of Creation in an Evolutionary World (Pilgrim 1997)
       Chris Colby, Introduction to Evolutionary Biology
       National Association of Biology Teachers
       Evolution of NABT Statement
       National Academy of Sciences
       Darwin's Black Box and Behe's Empty Box

November -- Rev. William Stoeger, S.J., astrophysicist at the Vatican Observatory, will lecture on the Church's teachings about the relationship between religion and science.  Henke Lounge of AMU 3:30-5 p.m.