An Interest Group of the Catholic Theological Society of America

Approved by the CTSA Board in June 2007, a group of theologians initiated an investigation of promising sources in the Catholic theological tradition with which to address changes that human activities are forcing on the global climate. Many sources were identified, and theologians committed to presenting their research at the CTSA conventions in 2009, 2010 and 2011 and to writing essays that would be considered for inclusion in an anthology.

     Confronting the Climate Crisis: Catholic Theological Perspectives was published by Marquette University Press in September 2011. This anthology features seventeen original essays framed by an introduction that focuses on climate science findings that compelled the group's study and statements by the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops and Pope Benedict XVI.  

Prior CTSA Group on Theology and Ecology

Launched at the 2002 Convention in New Orleans, the Theology and Ecology Group sought to advance theological discourse that is responsive to the ongoing ecological degradation of God’s Earth. Participants recognized the impetus Pope John Paul II, the United States Catholic Conference, and bishops throughout the world have given to this task. Moreover, theologians acknowledged their responsibility for developing plausible and meaningful ways of thinking about and acting on the physical environment that mitigate adverse effects on present and future human persons, especially those who are least able to protect themselves, on other species, on ecological systems, and on the biosphere.
    The first session of this group centered around the theology of the Spirit that Australian systematic theologian Denis Edwards drafted for publication. A lively discussion followed his stimulating and informative presentation. Subsequent sessions in 2003-2007 focused on the impetus that prompted major theologians to focus on the environment, environmental justice, and the body in relation to ecology. This group was disbanded when the CTSA Convention format changed to accommodate a variety of topics to be covered by interest groups.  ______________________________________________________________________________________

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